Futury: A Revolutionary Approach to Shaping the AI-Driven Future

As Imagine AI Live IMPACT New York wrapped up last Friday, we explored a concept I call “Futury,” which served as a bit of a theme for the event.

In a world rapidly transforming under the influence of artificial intelligence, Steve Metcalf, (that’s me), the Founder, CEO, and Chief AI Officer of Imagine AI Live, introduced a concept that could revolutionize how we approach both personal development and business strategy. This groundbreaking idea, which Metcalf calls "Futury," offers a fresh perspective on the power of imagination and its role in shaping our future in the AI era.

The Essence of Futury

In a recent conversation with Liz Ngonzi, founding member of Imagine AI Live, Metcalf explained the core of his concept: "Imagination is future memory or what I call Futury. You can think about it as your memory that hasn't happened yet, but the more vividly you can imagine it, the more vividly you can describe yourself, feel what it's going to feel like, the emotions, the people, the energy, it starts to become real."

Metcalf draws a compelling parallel between memory and imagination. Just as we vividly recall past experiences, he proposes that we can create equally vivid "memories" of future events. This isn't mere daydreaming; it's a powerful tool for manifesting our desired future.

"The more vividly you can imagine it," Metcalf asserts, "the more vividly you can describe yourself, feel what it's going to feel like, the emotions, the people, the energy, it starts to become real." This approach bridges the gap between present reality and future aspirations, creating a blueprint for our future selves complete with sensory and emotional details.

Futury in Business and Professional Growth

In an exclusive follow-up interview, Metcalf expanded on the practical applications of Futury for business leaders and professionals navigating the AI-driven landscape. Here's how he envisions this concept reshaping corporate strategy and career development:

  1. Visionary Leadership: Metcalf encourages leaders and executives to regularly engage in detailed mental simulations of their organization's ideal future. "By consistently engaging in these vivid future memories," he explains, "leaders naturally align their decision-making with this envisioned future, spotting opportunities that others might miss."

  2. Innovation Catalyst: For innovation teams, Futury offers a powerful brainstorming tool. "Instead of starting with current limitations," Metcalf suggests, "begin by vividly imagining the perfect solution. Once you've 'remembered' this future innovation, work backwards to identify the steps needed to make it a reality."

  3. Team Alignment and Motivation: Metcalf emphasizes the collaborative aspect of Futury in a business setting. "Engage your team in collective future memory exercises," he advises. "When team members can vividly 'remember' the future success they're working towards, it transforms their daily tasks from mundane to meaningful."

  4. Agile Adaptation in the AI Era: For professionals aiming to stay relevant, Metcalf recommends using Futury as a personal development tool. "Regularly imagine yourself thriving in an AI-enhanced work environment," he suggests. "What new skills are you using? How are you collaborating with AI tools?"

  5. Product Development and Market Foresight: Metcalf sees Futury as a game-changer for product development teams, helping companies leapfrog competitors and create entirely new market categories by envisioning products that anticipate future needs.

  6. Cultural Transformation: For leaders guiding their organizations through digital transformation, Futury can shape company culture. Metcalf recommends vividly imagining and communicating a future where AI augments human creativity and decision-making rather than replacing it.

  7. Ethical Foresight: In an era where AI raises complex ethical questions, Metcalf believes Futury can help leaders anticipate challenges and proactively develop guidelines and safeguards.

The Power of Futury in the AI Age

As artificial intelligence continues to reshape our world at an unprecedented pace, the ability to vividly imagine and adapt to future scenarios becomes increasingly crucial. Metcalf's Futury offers a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, challenging us to move beyond passive acceptance of what may come and instead actively participate in creating the future we desire.

"The future of business belongs to those who can most vividly imagine it," Metcalf concludes. "In a world being reshaped by AI, the human capacity for imagination becomes our greatest asset. Futury isn't just a technique—it's a mindset that can transform individuals, organizations, and entire industries."


Steve Metcalf's concept of Futury offers more than just a new perspective on imagination—it provides a practical framework for navigating and shaping the AI-driven future. By engaging in vivid, detailed "future memories," individuals and organizations can align their actions with their most ambitious visions, driving innovation and growth in this new era.

As we stand on the brink of transformative changes driven by AI, Futury invites us to harness the power of our imagination, to vividly envision our ideal future, and to work towards making that vision a reality. It's not just about imagining the future of AI – it's about actively creating it, one vivid "future memory" at a time.

Through Imagine AI Live and his innovative concepts like Futury, Metcalf is not just preparing people for the future of AI – he's empowering them to actively shape that future, offering a roadmap for those looking to not just survive but thrive in this new landscape.


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